There’s power behind empowerment.
At Amount we believe in fueling our team’s passion and momentum by ensuring they’re recognized for the incredible work that they are doing both for the business and in their personal lives.
That’s why we created Womxn Wednesday: a spotlight of the brilliant womxn and allies at Amount, meant to showcase the fervent individuals behind our daily success.
With that, meet one of Amount’s talented team members, Sireze Booker.
Introducing, Sireze.

What role do you play on the Amount team?
I am a BSA/AML Coordinator for Amount’s AML Team.
What’s your favorite thing about working at Amount?
My team! Everyone is so supportive and we all share so many of the same likes and ideas. And not to mention the laughs and jokes.
What are you most proud of in your career thus far? Why?
I am most proud of taking the leap of faith and leaving Social Services after being in that field for four years and landing a career at Amount. That was one of the smartest moves I have ever made and for that, I am forever grateful for Amount allowing me to join such an awesome company and team!
How do you “fill your cup”?
I fill my cup by giving thanks to the universe and during COVID, keeping myself grounded by partaking in some of my favorite activities such as listening to music, seeing friends and family (while social distancing, of course) and allowing myself to rest when my body tells me to rest. Before COVID, concerts, concerts, concerts! And traveling. (But I miss concerts so much!)
What advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell my younger self to STAND IN YOUR TRUTH and GO FOR YOUR DREAMS! Never let anyone tell you otherwise or make you feel that you aren’t valued or appreciated in this world. And most importantly, LOVE YOURSELF.
What womxn inspires you and why?
The womxn who inspire me on a daily basis would be my biological mother, my adopted mother and my sister Toya. Those three womxn have been a huge part of my life as a child and adult and are my biggest cheerleaders! They all have shown me what it means to not only be a survivor, but also what it means to be a powerful womxn! Without them, I would not be the young man that I am today and for that I will forever be grateful for them.